|Hello World|

|Hello World|
Jenny w kids park

5|8|17 A great day to greet you world. On this day 7 years ago, I married the woman that would change my prospective on everything. What a journey it has been so far!! We have had 9 years of being in each others presence, 8 years of dating, 7 anniversaries, 6 siblings, 5 cities, 4 Parents, 3 dogs, 2 kids and 1 LOVE. (Shout out to my sis Bri for that little literary moment) I have been blessed with the most amazing family and life. It is not that everyday is rainbows and ice cream (because that would be amazing); however, my perspective on life has changed as my relationship with my wife has grown. I've realized the things that really matter are the people in your life. This websites journey will be a reflection of exactly that, Jovan "egYpt" Ferdinand's perspective on time, moments and emotions spent with the people of my world.

Peace n Grace,

Jovan "egYpt" Ferdinand




Jovan w/ Egypt n Hillaire

The power of love and the way it overtakes one’s world is such a marvelous journey!! A journey that is filled with misunderstood intensity, confusion that pushes one’s limitations, heartache that tests the commitment, joy that is unsurpassed, beauty that cannot be contended, obstacles that spark growth, a life like no other, and in turn unconditional love. 

Welcome to our world! The fullness of our heart and the living of this thing called life is what we wish to share with family and friends. It is not easy to be a member of society with all the preconceived perceptions that seem to be mandated by the world… It’s hard! But right here, we, the Ferdinand’s, want to share with you that what truly matters beyond all else is family (whether blood linked or experience formed). People are created to love and be loved— it’s in our nature. The ride through life leaves something to be desired and family, I believe, is the remedy because FAMILY is LOVE!! So we say to you, welcome to how MY FAMILY MATTERS.



Always Smile,

Jenny "Happiness" Ferdinand